Category: Emacs

  • Melpa for emacs

    Melpa for emacs

    Melpa is a Emacs mode repository. If you are not using Melpa on Emacs 24 you are really missing something. Put this in your .emacs file. Restart and run M-x list-packages

  • Power Programming with Tags

    Power Programming with Tags

    Source tagging is very powerful source code navigation system, it beats any state of the art IDE. If you are using Emacs, Vim and TextMate then you can use source tagging for navigation. Here are the few simple steps to do it. Step 1. Install ctags in your system. For mac $ sudo port install…

  • Searching in Buffers with Occur Mode – Emacs

    I mostly work on Terminal or Emacs buffer.  I love emacs. Significant part of my work involves searching for a piece of code. Occur mode is similar to grep-find and find-grep. Just that I only search for the buffers which are open. For more info go here: Searching in Buffers with Occur Mode | Mastering…