Category: Customization
Melpa for emacs
Melpa is a Emacs mode repository. If you are not using Melpa on Emacs 24 you are really missing something. Put this in your .emacs file. Restart and run M-x list-packages
Share shell history across multiple sessions
I use iTerm and a lot of terminal tabs. Terminal history is something which is important to me, it lets me backtrack my steps. Just add the following code in your .profile
Grab the net with Arduino
How to access a website with multiple virtual hosts from Arduino Ethernet Shield. The problem is if you have used Arduino Ethernet Shield, then you know that you can connect a IP, But if the IP has multiple virtual hosts, it will only connect to default virtual host. If it is commercial shared VPS, You…
IRB Console with history and logging
I spend most of my time working with IRB or Rails/console. I have settled on these settings over time as they provide basic logging and IRB history. To use them, simply add the following lines to the ~/.irbrc file (create the file if it doesn’t already exist): View the code on Gist.
Multi-version environment on Windows
Well many times this happens that we want to work with the command prompt. Sometimes we wanna work with many CLI (command line interface). We usually SET the %PATH% variable of system or specific user for this. Things get really worse when we wanna work with more them one version of same Application/Compiler/System. We can’t…