Category: Tutorial
WordPress Author-Info
WordPress as a very nice Author-info, I like it. By default it is off unless there are more then one author post on your blog. You can turn it on without installing any stupid plugin or code edit. Follow these steps. First you should update description in your WordPress user profile Open phpmyadmin or equivalent.…
Share shell history across multiple sessions
I use iTerm and a lot of terminal tabs. Terminal history is something which is important to me, it lets me backtrack my steps. Just add the following code in your .profile
Grab the net with Arduino
How to access a website with multiple virtual hosts from Arduino Ethernet Shield. The problem is if you have used Arduino Ethernet Shield, then you know that you can connect a IP, But if the IP has multiple virtual hosts, it will only connect to default virtual host. If it is commercial shared VPS, You…
Let the mac sleep
How to turn off/sleep OS X Mac Screen. It took me a lot of researching on internet to find these shortcut keys. Sleep immediately (no confirmation): Cmd-Opt-Eject Put display to sleep: Ctrl-Shift-Eject