Category: Platform

  • Share shell history across multiple sessions

    I use iTerm and a lot of terminal tabs. Terminal history is something which is important to me, it lets me backtrack my steps. Just add the following code in your .profile

  • IRB Console with history and logging

    I spend most of my time working with IRB or Rails/console. I have settled on these settings over time as they provide basic logging and IRB history. To use them, simply add the following lines to the ~/.irbrc file (create the file if it doesn’t already exist): View the code on Gist.

  • Arduino Ethernet Shield and Webclient

    Arduino Ethernet Shield and Webclient

    First thing you do when you get a Ethernet Shield for Arduino (in my case Duemilanove). You will be uploading various example sketches. I was doing the same Ardoino was working flawlessly and then I got stuck in WebClient sketch. I did all the things I could do. Reset Arduino. Reset Ethernet Shield. Change Ethernet cat5…

  • Let the mac sleep

    How to turn off/sleep OS X Mac Screen. It took me a lot of researching on internet to find these shortcut keys. Sleep immediately (no confirmation): Cmd-Opt-Eject Put display to sleep: Ctrl-Shift-Eject

  • Prevent Googlebot following links in Gmail

    How to prevent googlebot following links in gmail messages? Well bad news is “Googlebot is following links sent to subscribers of a mailing list by email and it is causing those subscribers to receive an unsubscribe meesage or a added download from the list or server”. Bigger Bad news is that age old trick will…

  • Firefox Sync

    Firefox Sync. formally weave. I always wanted that I can continue my Firefox session from one place to anther. You don’t need to save password, you don’t have to save you history through Google Toolbar. You wont need bookmark addons. This is simply great. How many times did you left your computer at work on/hibernated…

  • Lucid Lynx – Free man’s Mac

    No matter how much I hate Apple and Macintosh for their marketing strategies, but I always appreciate innovation and consistency. Although price is also a factor. No matter how much you bid to pay but you could never estimate the price of universal compatibility and top class user experience with the availability of option at…

  • Urban Terror

    This is a one great game. I tried it and I loved it. To all the counter-strike lovers who got shifted to GNU/Linux this is a life saver. I think there should be some variable to adjust the wall jump, power slide, and inhuman speed. I hope to find some good player skins colors. Things…